Il nostro team è qui per aiutarti a trovare una risposta al più presto e tornare a vendere biglietti per il tuo evento. Controlla questa lista di domande frequenti per una soluzione veloce, o inviaci la tua domanda usando il modulo di contatto in basso

We focused from the beginning on working smart and finding all the ways to optimize the platform, having less costs and less maintenance.The system is completely automated, which means we have little overhead costs and the possibility of human error is eliminated. It also means that our support team has much less work to do since you won’t encounter many problems and, in case, they can be solved in few clicks.

We also developed an advanced ticket scanning App (using QR codes instead of bar codes for better readability), which allows you to scan tickets with any smartphone by simply installing the App and entering the password for your event, meaning that you can increase at any time the amount of scanners at your entrance just by using another phone. This makes it much easier and cheaper for you and for us than buying/renting expensive laser scanning equipment and control stations, still maintaining the same level of performances, even with bad or no network connection

The service is free for event organizers because they can pass the service fee per ticket to the visitor. With TicketX you can choose to include the service fee in the ticket price or let the visitor pay for it on top of the ticket price, making the service basically free for you as organizer.

For free events the service is completely free because we think that it’s a great way to let people know about TicketX and try personally all our advanced features

Initially we started with laser scanners for the tickets but then we decided to switch to scanning with an App for smartphones because of many advantages:

  • It’s much easier to scan tickets which are presented on a phone (instead of printed) because the laser from the scanner reflects on the screen of the phone and some times it’s not able to read the barcode/QR code properly, while scanning using the camera of a smartphone completely bypasses this problem
  • In general a scanner is slower than a smartphone, both because of the processing/connection time and because it’s harder to make the read, and if you have many people to manage at the entrance a little extra time for each person may mean the formation of big lines
  • Using an App it’s possible to increase at any moment the amount of people scanning at the entrance simply by installing the app on another phone, this means that you don’t need to rent expensive extra laser scanners for your event just to manage a peak entrance flow of one hour
  • Actually, using an App you don’t need to rent any scanning equipment at all, as an organizer you can simply ask your staff at the entrance to use their own phone saving money that can be better spent promoting your event
  • Phone batteries can be easily recharged, even using a portable charger, or simply you can use another phone for scanning so you don’t have to worry about scanners with empty batteries at your busiest moment. Also, with an App it’s possible to keep track of all the people scanning from your event dashboard and see the battery level of each of them without being physically at the entrance
  • An app allows to do much more than a simple scanner. You can for example look for the visitor in the database and check him/her in by verifying the ID if the ticket is damaged, but also various other support and service functionalities

In the control panel of your event you can specify for each ticket type who should pay the service fee. You can even distribute the service cost between you and the visitor if you want. In most cases though the event organizers decide to let the visitors pay for the service fee

After you created an event and started selling the tickets, with TicketX you will get the revenues transferred every week directly to your bank account, regardless of how much has been sold

You can start selling tickets immediately after creating your event. Remember that other than sharing the link to the ticketshop you can also directly integrate it on your website and Facebook page for a faster and more direct sale to your visitors, making also your website more professional. You can check our demo page for more information about the creation of an event and the ticketshop.

You can add the ticketshop directly to your website or Facebook page very easily just by copying few lines of code. Follow the instructions in your event Dashboard under “Settings -> Integrate ticketshop”

If visitors ask you to resend them their tickets, you can go to your event Dashboard under “Guests -> Orders”. There you can search for their order and download the tickets clicking on the eye icon in the right column. You can then send them the tickets as attachment in an email.

You can also refer the visitors to the procedure at this link so that they can retrieve the tickets directly themselves

You can sell tickets at the door using the “Sell tickets offline” module in your event Dashboard, if your visitors have an internet connection you can directly send them the tickets by email and then scan them from their phone, without having to print them. Of course it’s also possible to print the tickets on the spot, or pre-print them to make the procedure faster.

In any case, using the “Sell tickets offline” module you can accept also cash payments for the tickets and you can use it before the event too, to set up one or more points of sale in the city

You can access and download all the data about your events, the visitors, the ticket sale, the check-ins the day of the event etc. from your Dashboard. You can also use our built in tools to directly analyze the data, see the geographical distribution, compare with previous events and more

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